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Complete Visibility of
CAD/CAM/CAE/PLM Licenses Utilization

Monitor Real-time and Historical
Application Usage

  • License Management
  • Utilization Report
  • Inventory Listing
  • User Extension
  • Project Time Estimation
  • User Activity

ESEC is available On Cloud &
On Premise

  • Quick deployment
  • Utilization Reports visible from the same day onwards
  • Extremely affordable - Annual Subscription
Empowering with Complete Visibility of Utilization of Engineering Software

Managements worldwide are keen to have insights into Utilization of Engineering Software
ESEC enables the Management to increase productivity & optimize investments with the following key features:


License Management

Complete Visibility of Licenses Utilization of CAD/CAM/CAE/PLM software


Utilization Report

Easy to read Summary Charts
Department/Division/Unit wise usage reports with drill down capabilities


Inventory Listing

Captures Softwares loaded on each computer across the organization. Helps in Compliance.


User Extension

Extend Current Licenses Utilization for more users


Project Time Estimation

Allows tagging of document titles and internal meetings apart from design time to generate accurate project time estimation.


User Activity

Commands Used List (available for one software now) by experts. Skill Transfer.

ESEC is available

On Cloud On Premise


Scroll down for details

Cloud Technology
Introduction to ESEC On Cloud

ESEC On Cloud provides all the key information for the management to get a comprehensive view of the engineering software utilization across the entire company. This information will enable you to take effective decisions to improve software productivity, saving costs and into future investments.

It can be set up in less than 2 hours and will start providing the information from the same day onwards. Information is provided in over 15 different charts/tables apart from having drill down ability to see other information needed by you. Few of the charts are indicated below for preview.

  • Summary of all Software Licenses Utilization

    Key Parameters Summary Chart provides insight into the complete utilization of the important Software Licenses.

    It provides info on key parameters like Average Utilization, Hours Used, % of times it was used at 100% Utilization, Distinct Users and Number of times licenses were Denied.
  • Summary of individual Licenses Utilization by each Day

    Key Parameters Chart provides insight into how a specific Software License is used during the days.

    It provides info on key parameters like Peak Licenses Utilization, Average Utilization, Hours Used, % of times it was used at 100% Utilization, Distinct Users and Number of times licenses were Denied.
  • Summary of Individual Licenses Utilization at Different Times in a Day

    This chart indicates how the demand for licences is spread through out the working day & also provides insight into how much time design engineers spend on non CAD activity like work meetings, etc.

Cloud Technology
Introduction to ESEC On Premise

ESEC On Premise is a comprehensive software providing information to management by gathering data from each of the Workstations/PCs. In addition to the information which is available On Cloud version it provides information on estimation of time for various projects, releasing of the idle licenses, software inventory list by Workstation/PC, user activities, individual dashboards, etc.

The features available are listed below along with comparison of both the versions.

ESEC On Premise Features
License Manager

License information from License managers like FLEXLM, RLM, LM-X, DSLS etc. Any new License manager can be configured to ESEC.

Distinct Users Report

Reports Ratio of Number of Users Vs Number of Licenses for Day, Month and Year.

Utilization Report

Reports Peak and Average Utilization of Licenses by Hour, Day, Month and Year.

Hours Used Report

Reports License hours usage for a Day, Month and Year. Reports License usage by User name.

License Denial Report

Reports license denial quanity along with Denial information.

Computer Agent

Computer Agent collects Application usage and idle time of logged in Users.

Work and Idle Report

Reports Work and Idle duration of applications opened by users.

Document Title

ESEC captures Document title that are opened by users through various applications.

User Activity

ESEC captures user activity like applications used, documents title accessed, prints taken and allows users to enter his time sheet like meetings etc.

Project Report

ESEC allows users to create a project and tag document title to projects. Project Report summarises application used and the duration.

Unigraphics Commands

ESEC captures the sequence of commands that are clicked by Users who are using Unigraphcis CAD applications. Reports the application awareness of users.

License Release

ESEC tracks applications session that are open and idle for long duration. ESEC will alert the user of long idle session and can suspend or close the session.

Group Based Reporting

ESEC reports data by groups which can be Business Unit / Division / Department.

Software Inventory of Computers

ESEC collects the inventory of applications installed in each computer

Running Applications List

ESEC lists the Open applications in each computer by login user and also display the Idle duration.

(On Cloud Vs On Premise)
License Manager
Utilization Reports
Work Usage Reports
License Denial Reports
Drill Down Reports
Division / Dept Based Reports
User Activity
Idle Usage Reports
Document Title
Printer Jobs Reports
Project Reports
Unigraphics Commands List
License Release
Software Inventory Of Computers
Running Applications List