p Engineering Software Expertise Capture
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ESEC On Cloud

ESEC from Nibana Solutions connects to several CAD / CAM / CAE / PLM applications. It collects data by polling the license servers at regular intervals. This large volume of data is converted into meaningful information in the form of reports, tables, and graphs for the management to have a comprehensive visibility of licenses utilization of various software along with trends over time.

This comprehensive information enables the management not only to improve productivity of the users and the organization (by focussed training, reassignment of licenses based on usage, etc) but also give clarity to take decisions on future investments and reduce renewal (AMC) costs if needed.

ESEC On Cloud has been developed keeping in view the needs of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) or Companies who have around 250 users working on 2 - 5 Engineering software. In addition, these companies want information at an affordable cost along with quick deployment (in less than 2 hours remotely) with least/no involvement of their IT resources.

Some of the features of ESEC On Cloud are as follows:

  • Peak and Average Utilization of Licenses by Hour, Day, Month and Year.
  • Ratio of Number of Users Vs Number of Licenses for Day, Month and Year.
  • License hours usage for a Day, Month and Year and Licenses usage by Username.
  • License denial quantity along with Denial information.
  • Drill down reports.
  • License utilization by Unit/Division/Department/Location etc.
ESEC On Cloud is available at an extremely attractive price on an Annual Subscription basis. It can be deployed in less than 2 hours over the internet.

Please click below to schedule a Quick online demo of 8 minutes by our team.

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You will discover how guesstimates can be replaced with actual information for making the right decisions.

ESEC has been developed by a team of professionals after extensive discussions over 3 years with senior managements of various companies across India. In addition, the management have over 25 experience each in selling and supporting CAD/CAM/CAE/PLM software to over 3000 companies in various industries in India and abroad and having deep knowledge of the processes.

ESEC is being used by some of the leading companies in India.

ESEC On Premise

ESEC from Nibana Solutions connects to several CAD / CAM / CAE / PLM applications. It collects data by polling the license servers and individual Workstations/PCs/Laptops at regular intervals. This large volume of data is converted into meaningful information in the form of reports, tables, and graphs for the management to have a comprehensive visibility of licenses utilization of various software along with trends over time.

This comprehensive information enables the management not only to improve productivity of the users and the organization (by focussed training, reassignment of licenses based on usage, retain and transfer knowledge, extend usage of licenses for more users, etc) but also give clarity to take decisions on future investments and reduce renewal (AMC) costs if needed.

ESEC On Premise has been developed keeping in view the needs of senior management of various companies having multiple engineering software deployed over multiple locations from 100 users to over multiple thousands of users.

Some of the features of ESEC On Premise are as follows:

  • Peak and Average Utilization of Licenses by Hour, Day, Month and Year.
  • Ratio of Number of Users Vs Number of Licenses for Day, Month and Year.
  • License hours usage for a Day, Month and Year and Licenses usage by Username.
  • License denial quantity along with Denial information.
  • Drill down reports.
  • License utilization by Unit/Division/Department/Location etc.
  • Software Inventory Listing in each system across the enterprise
  • Work and Idle duration of applications opened by users
  • Document title that are opened by users through various applications
  • User activities like applications used, document titles accessed, prints taken, etc.
  • Project Report: Allows users to create a project and tag document title to projects. Project Report summarises application used and the duration.
  • UG/NX awareness/skill of users: Sequence of commands that are clicked by the Users who are using UG/NX application. Other software will be added shortly.
  • Idle Licenses Release: Alert the user of long idle session and suspend or close the session.
  • Management and Individual Dashboards.

ESEC On Premise is available at an extremely attractive price on an Annual Subscription basis. Please click below to schedule a Quick online demo of 8 minutes by our team.

Request for a Demo

You will discover how guesstimates can be replaced with actual information for making the right decisions.

ESEC has been developed by a team of professionals after extensive discussions over 3 years with senior managements of various companies across India. In addition, the management have over 25 experience each in selling and supporting CAD/CAM/CAE/PLM software to over 3000 companies in various industries in India and abroad and having deep knowledge of the processes.

ESEC is being used by some of the leading companies in India.